Mobile Repair Fleet Services

What to Do When My Truck Starts Making Unusual Noises

What should I do if my truck starts making unusual noises? If you are worried about what to do when your vehicle starts making unusual truck noises, then this article is for you! We will discuss how to recognize the most common truck troubleshooting problems and what solutions are available.

Noises under the Hood

If your truck is making an unusual noise, it might be coming from inside. Like any machine with moving parts, a truck can work harder and develop an audible whine or grind over time. The solution for this type of problem may range from getting new engine bearings to having them replaced by a mechanic to get back on the road quickly.

Rattling Noise

A rattling noise typically means that there are loose components inside the vehicle - items such as wires have been shaken free during driving conditions, such as heavy rainstorms or long trips through bumpy terrain (elevation changes). This usually requires some basic adjustments like tightening up screws and bolts, but if you experience repeated issues, then it might be time to do a more thorough inspection by an expert in truck repair.

Pinging Noise

A pinging noise can indicate that your truck is over-fueled or under-fueled, which may also lead to engine damage if left untreated. The solution for this problem could range from adjusting the gas (or diesel) levels to get back on the road quickly or having them serviced at a garage to not inflict any permanent damage onto the vehicle. Both of these options should take care of your issue and allow you to drive safely again. If not, be sure to get a truck repair by a professional.

Excessive Vibration

Be aware if your vehicle is making unusual noises or is excessively vibrating.  An excess amount of vibration typically means that there are loose components or parts within the truck's engine that need to be tightened to function properly. A loose bolt might not seem like a big deal, but if left unchecked could cause your truck to shake excessively and ultimately lead you on an expensive trip down the road - so make sure all of your bolts are tight before hitting the open highway!

Muffler Noise

Unusual truck noises with the muffler could indicate some form of blockage in one or more of my vehicle's exhaust pipes. The solution? Take care of this problem by giving them a good clean-out with an air hose! This should take care of any unwanted obstructions, allowing me to hit cruising speed again without worrying about popping out another check engine light!

Idle or Hesitation Noise

If your truck starts to hesitate as if it is struggling to hit idle speed or keeps "bucking" up instead of going down smoothly, chances are there is something wrong with either the air filter or the fuel filter. In this case, it is time to get your truck serviced!

How Long Does a Truck Engine Take To Warm-Up?

It takes about 20 minutes for your truck engine to warm up before you can start driving or working on the truck. Once warmed up, you are able to enjoy better gas mileage and less stress on your car battery - not to mention the peace of mind that all is well with the vehicle if something goes wrong when you put pressure under the hood at any point in time.